viernes, 5 de julio de 2013
Galápagos Islands Ecuador Galápagos Islands © UNESCO / Francesco Bandarin Situated in the Pacific Ocean some 1,000 km from the South American continent, these 19 islands and the surrounding marine reserve have been called a unique ‘living museum and showcase of evolution’. Located at the confluence of three ocean currents, the Galápagos are a ‘melting pot’ of marine species. Ongoing seismic and volcanic activity reflects the processes that formed the islands. These processes, together with the extreme isolation of the islands, led to the development of unusual animal life – such as the land iguana, the giant tortoise and the many types of finch – that inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection following his visit in 1835. More details Ref:1bisYear inscribed1978 Extension2001Criteria(vii)(viii)(ix)(x)Core zone14066514.0000 Ha Copyright © 1992-2010 UNESCO World Heritage Centre, All Rights Reserved Terms / Policies
miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012
El Sistema Nacional de Información Estadística y Geográfica (SNIEG) y los subsistemas que lo conforman, han creadoel Catálogo Nacional de Indicadores en el cual pordemos apreciar las estructuras de los mismos.
Agrego aqui un ejemplo del Subsistema Nacional de Información Demográfica y Social de un Indicador de salud
Esta nota, siendo de interes general del equipo, creo que es aun mas para Joel y Juan
Estimados Colegas>
Este es un ejemplo de lo que se desea en lo que corresponde a la estructura y formato
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Atlas de Salud Bolivia 2005
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lunes, 2 de julio de 2012
lunes, 25 de junio de 2012
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Interesante, sobre todo me gustaria que analizaran la cartografía OBSERVATORIOEN SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA Y NUTRICIONALPara consultar la vista cartográfica de un clic aquí
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jueves, 21 de junio de 2012
Cancer Map Patterns
Maps depicting the geographic variation in cancer incidence, mortality or treatment can be useful tools for developing cancer control and prevention programs, as well as for generating etiologic hypotheses. An important question with every cancer map is whether the geographic pattern seen is due to random fluctuations, as by pure chance there are always some areas with more cases than expected, or whether the map reflects true underlying geographic variation in screening, treatment practices, or etiologic risk factors.
Nine different tests for spatial randomness are evaluated in very practical settings by applying them to cancer maps for different types of data at different scales of spatial resolution: breast, prostate, and thyroid cancer incidence; breast cancer treatment and prostate cancer stage in Connecticut; and nasopharynx and prostate cancer mortality in the U.S.
When publishing cancer maps we recommend evaluating the spatial patterns observed using Tango’s MEET, a global clustering test, and the spatial scan statistic, a cluster detection test.ércoles, 20 de junio de 2012
Presentacion interesante, ¿Que hago ahora que comprendi lo importante que son los SIG? -traduccion mas optimista- de: "I’m getting too old to understand GIS, but I think I finally know what we need it for. Can you help?"
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